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Ecological Exploration

Little egret

Birds | Ardeidae
Egretta garzetta


The little egret has a white body, black bill and feet, as well as yellow-green toes. During the breeding season, it grows two long (approximately 20 cm) ornamental feathers on the head. Its lores and toes also turn red during the breeding season.
Habits: The little egret is often around other egrets and has migratory populations. When foraging, the birds use their feet to stir up the water and catch fleeing fish. They also prey on insects.
Resident/Common; Body length: 60 cm
Birdwatching period: year round


The little egret appears near seashores, estuaries, marshes, sandbars, and other aquatic environments.


  • (圖書) 吳自強、黃淑華、羅美玉,高美濕地飛羽,台中,2014。